Stock option withholding tax canada

Stock option withholding tax canada

Author: Stepanovs Date: 28.06.2017

If you receive employee stock options ESOP or restricted stock units RSU at work or participate in the Employee Stock Purchase Plan ESPP offered by your employer , you should be aware of new CRA rules on withholding taxes.

How Restricted Stock And RSUs Are Taxed

In the past, employers typically did not withhold taxes at the time an employee received or exercised their stock option benefits. Instead, stock option benefits were included in the T4 slips and employees paid any taxes owing at the time they filed their taxes. In Budget , the Federal Government provided relief for Canadians who elected to defer taxes on their stock options only to find that they owed taxes on phantom profits.

At the same time, the Government also repealed the rule that allowed stock option benefits to be deferred to the year of the sale. A little noticed provision in the budget see Page of the budget document also required employers to withhold taxes on stock option benefits:.

The Government provided some time for businesses to adjust their payroll systems to handle withholding taxes on employee stock benefits. My understanding is that starting this year, employers will withhold taxes on stock option benefits.

Speaking as someone who has deferred stock option benefit gains, I think these changes are a good idea. Tweets that mention New withholding taxes on stock option benefits Canadian Capitalist -- Topsy. A big issue yet to be resolved as far as I know is, that the tax withholding in many cases will be based on unrealized cash stock option gains, yet cash withholdings are due.

Taxation of Stock Options for Employees in Canada

So how does the employer get the tax withholding from the employee? Do they take it from future salary, request personal funds, or require the sale of some of the related shares? I read something recently that there still has not been any guidance provided by CRA, however, I have had no reason to follow up to confirm such.

Security options

This would cover the strike price and the taxes that would be due. I think the withholding requirement is a good idea.

I wish I could include myself in that category but I have no such complication…. Stock rewards are still common in technology. Weekly Review-Turbo Tax Giveaway and Great Articles. I think this sucks, at least in my situation. I have heard that some employees are opting out of the plan now to avoid losing so much of their pay… I guess these were designed to nail the rich guys, but the government uncaring hits the little guy even harder… thanks MR no taxes Harper!!

A little venting here. You are definitely a magician. I have always liked to know others feelings and thoughts, but I must say your article is one of the best I have read. And I suggest others to read it. I received RSUs last year and the cash value of the RSUs showed up on my T-4 this year.

Taxation of Stock Options for Employees in Canada

At the time of vesting, the x amount of RSU is included as income. I have the sell-to-cover option and taxes were paid. I noticed that the taxes paid from the sell-to-cover is not included in box 22 income tax deducted. Can anyone help me as to where line or schedule I should fill up to reflect the taxes already paid? However, I am not sure where to include them.

I would recommend talking to your payroll department. If payroll is selling a portion of vested RSUs and remitting withholding taxes to CRA, these taxes should be reported on your T4. Point out the error to your payroll department and ask them to issue you new T4s that has the correct amounts in the Income Taxes deducted Box 22 of your T4.

I elected to defer employee option gains when this was possible. I currently own shares in my employer that resulted from these exercises as well as many other shares in my employer purchased by cash. If I sell some of these shares how do I determine if or how much of the deferred option gains should be taxed. Your email address will not be published. This post has been updated as of Jan. Home Bookshelf In the News Archives Contact Us Consulting Forum.

New withholding taxes on stock option benefits February 23, at A little noticed provision in the budget see Page of the budget document also required employers to withhold taxes on stock option benefits: This article has 16 comments Michael James February 24, at The Blunt Bean Counter February 24, at Returns Reaper February 24, at But there must also be a way to dispose of shares to cover the tax bill as well. Canadian Capitalist February 24, at The Blunt Bean Counter: Phil S February 24, at 1: Canadian Capitalist February 24, at 2: Paul February 26, at 1: Hiya, I think this sucks, at least in my situation.

OffShore February 28, at 3: Sharon April 30, at 8: Lissa March 11, at Ryan March 15, at Canadian Capitalist March 15, at 3: Sorry, I sometimes miss replying to a comment. Dan marinangeli July 28, at 9: Leave a comment Cancel Your email address will not be published. Recommended Posts High Interest Savings Accounts at Discount Brokers January 27, — comments.

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