Best way to make money in forsaken world

Best way to make money in forsaken world

Author: Letta Date: 17.07.2017

Most of us don't know where their money is. However, one thing is for certain, it's is not in the bank to which we entrusted it. It is about aspects of the development of the world wide financial system, focusing on how elitists economically exploit the rest of society, especially in the developing world, but also in western nations. The film starts by tracking the hypothetical savings of a typical depositor as they move around the global system, often causing exploitation as various financial agents try to produce high returns.

There are several interviews with investment managers, politicians, economists as well as homeless people and workers. Very interesting documentary but had to stop watching since I don't understand some of the languages they are speaking and the subs are not in English either. The Video is down, is there any conspiracy theory, as why this happened?

I love this site, a admire who made it real. Hi, i really don't understand how to change the captions, when I click in it allit does is pause the vid. I thought this was going to be a whimpering thing about fiat currency, but I was totally wrong. This is a complex narrative which really seeks to stab at the heart of the issues it confronts. The imagery is portrayed in a stark manner, you get the sense that the auteur behind the lenses is interested in letting the pictures explain the circumstances rather than relying entirely on dialogue or talking heads.

The interviewees are also well selected. There a conscious effort to place experienced people at the heart of the story rather that critics or other people indirectly associated with the issues. To change the caption language click on the triangle inside of the square next to the fullscreen button, on the drop down menu that appears click on the left facing triangle next to the CC, then just click on the language you would like to use.

In case it has been 19 minutes and I have only been able to watch 54 seconds. I shall return some other day. This is a great doc thanks Vlatko. The rich not only in America but in the world it seems have really got things working in their favor, after watching this doc I'm afraid that it might be too late for the "little man" and "little woman" to see the change they desire.

While watching this carefully and being mindful of what was being said. I would urge the people of Spain to SQUAT these developements. All he did was mirror and become an extention of Margaret Thatcher and her devotion to Hayek. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. You know the real danger of globalisation is the simple fact that the supposed emerging markets read exploitable uneducated peasant populations will one day cease to be emerging and will become established markets in their own right.

Capital will flow to those willing to work or fight the hardest for it. My money is on the populations of the world who have been hardened and shaped by years,actually, generations, of slave labour, rather that the apathetic politically ignorant populations of the west. Excellent documentary - not sure why it's touted as anti-capitalist. It addresses some very poignant questions and does so in a surprisingly elegant way.

Highly recommended for those who love capitalism and presumably wish to preserve it. I give this video Humptydumptytribe's highest rating -- five broken eggs. Although it is a wee bit disjointed in terms of narrative flow, it certainly nails the point home how all of these evil banks, corporations and governments are in bed with each other, all hiding inside so many convoluted loopholes that the folks giving these evil bastards their power -- that would be YOU and ME, if you cp cheats info money maker 1.7 figured that out yet -- will never be able to untangle the mess, to see their own unwitting complicity in their various evil schemes.

Of course, that is just the way this evil conspiracy of power-hungry bastards wants it Keep up the good fight, TDF! I wish it was translated completely It is translated completely nISHANTH.

Turn on the captions English. Little CC button will appear on the right when you press play. I think the planetary damage is already irreparable, unless very soon some lethal catastrophe, [virus?

And, this may seem farfetched, but eventually some govt. The Earth needs a long rest I wonder whether it will be "ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK" then, or Columbuses' pristine paradise?

Boo-hoo the poor people of the world. There will mutual fund options strategy be rich people and poor people.

Some people are born out of the crotch of the privileged others are not. Some work there way up.

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I'm working towards being rich and privileged instead of hating them. The only reason the poor, middle class masses hate the rich is because they're not one of them. Jewish lobby has conquer entire world.

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What did Napoleon and Hitler did when they came to the power? They nationalized banks, and baned all foreigner bankers. I don't have anything against yews, but they are extremely smart, they don't compete with each other, opposite they help each other. That is family tradition. The rothschild dynasty - The greatest trick the best way to make money in forsaken world ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

This documentary reinforces my position. It is immoral and it doesn't work for people or the environment. If you cannot see that I suppose you don't want to. Napolean did quite the opposite of what you say. Your grasp of History is either incomplete or poorly understood. Napolean eradicated the serf system, destroyed tariffs, equalized mercantile laws, opened borders, and liberated the Jews from oppression wherever he could.

Overbooks have been written about Napolean.

best way to make money in forsaken world

Than why all the central banks are under yew power? This power is inherited. You are not reading what i am writing?! I said what Napoleon did about banks, not in ordinary life of people, yews and other nations. I know basic history, but i don't believe everything what is writen there.

best way to make money in forsaken world

It is like to blieve Bush words and reasons why he atack Iraq. Dont be blind, who runs us central bank? Who decide, who gets loans and who don't. They are good at this. You should read some books of them, and learn who was mayer 5 emas forex system pdf, nathan rotschild and others Hitler and Jews in same contest?

Hmm Hitler is dead, and the wars are still going on, so as poverty. I wonder who is behind this? You newer asked yourself this kind of question? And you are saying immoral. What is beter to exterminate black peoples in Africa or enslave them?? Hitler system was no worse no better than this one. I'll be kind and say your limited English prevents me from pursuing this topic with you any further. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, and for my poor English, but I am saying just a facts, nothing else.

The bottom line is the doc is telling you Being born in a third world Country India. First a bloody anarchy, then a tyranny whose viciousness shall surpass the 'French Terror' [],then quasi democracy, until the cycle repeats itself again, as all history does.

Only this time the lack of bare necessities may not put an end to barbarism and treachery for a very long time. The mildest scenario is that millions will be living in makeshift shelters [like Calcutta], throughout the USA, and absolutely forsaken! I'm getting captions not available.

Is that temp or has the man decided that this type of doc is not suitable in this financial climate? I click the arrow on the right side of the video but there are no CC options for me. When you become extremely rich and powerful you will be faced with opportunities to increase your wealth by causing widespread famine, death and hardship. There will be consequences If you refuse to do so, and it will be hard for you to choose. There many potentially very interesting docu's on this site - if only they were each clearly marked with a main language, it would save many people a lot of time.

I watched this entire Doc without subtitles. There ARE other languages than just English. Singapore dollar and NZ dollar will be the next currency to reach parity with the US dollar. Canadian dollar, Australian dollar, Swiss Franc, British pound, Euro, and the Yen have ALL surpassed the dollar in value.

IF you want something to whine about if you're an American THAT'S what you should be yelling about. US news media says I'd say its accurate that this material isn't easy to come by and the full version is much more extensive.

As it is truly hitting the 'nerve', it's required of being 'kept' as the saying goes among intellectuals.

Which is obviously sadder than sad. First, because it makes it point by allowing those who are gaming the sytem to consolidate power and money to speak for themselves. The one oligarch who gives the four point explanation of neoliberalism is enlightening. Second, it explains the Austrian model which is behind the turn in the world in the last 30 to 40 years to install the capitalist elite as the power over nations states in the words of those responsible for it.

And, last, it does all of this in an understated way, and exposes the system so one can see the fruits or, ill-gotten gains of those who are raping the earth, exploiting the workers, and stealing the wealth and the power of whole nations in a new form of colonialization that is now gutting the working class of the West itself to take what gains they have gotten.

Predators all, acting under a ssytem the always puts profit over people, short term gains over the destroying of people and our world. Excellent documentary I'm viewing in and I only wish it was being supplemented and updated.

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