Sql server 2005 stored procedure optional parameter

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sql server 2005 stored procedure optional parameter

Hi Everybody, I have a stored procedure with does multiple tasks like displaying the data in multiple grids, updating the records, adding the records etc. All these are done in a single procedure. I want to create a stored procedure with accepts optional parameters. The user may not send all the parameters if he is calling the stored procedure for data display.

He will pass all the parameters when ever he wants to add records. He that learns from everyone. He that governs his passions. He that is content.

SQL Server - SQL UPDATE Stored Procedure

Parameters in SProcs are not optional. You have to mentioend them while calling the SProc. You can instead mention 'DEFAULT' keyword while passing the parameters.

Hi, I got the solution. Dynamic sql will allow you do exactly what you are wanting. AS BEGIN --Add your code depends upon default. True but anytime you are taking parameters you open yourself up to injection. The security vulnerability footprint is much higher when using dynamic sql over a properly written parametrized stored procedure. I apologize to the original poster for getting off the "thread" topic.

stored procedure with optional parameters

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sql server 2005 stored procedure optional parameter

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How to SQL Select from Stored Procedure using SQL Server OPENQUERY or OPENROWSET

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Specifying a Parameter Default Value

Narrow your search by forum. Unthreaded, ascending Unthreaded, descending. Subscribe to topic Print topic RSS feed Go to topics forum. CurrentNode' ; if CurrentNodes. Naveen Kumar Posted 8 years ago General Forum Members Points: Mahesh Bote Posted 8 years ago MarkusB Posted 8 years ago Mitesh Oswal Posted 7 years ago Posted 7 years ago No, I believe you are mistaken.

Please explain why you think using parameterized stored procedures opens you up to SQL injection? Unless, of course, you use those parameters to create dynamic SQL.

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